011 268 4783/4 louiser@mosaiek.com

Senior citizens

A program that offers mid-day meal for the old aged citizens.

Senior Citizens

While working on several projects, we have observed several old aged citizens throughout Johannesburg, who hardly get one meal a day. That is when we decided to start a program that offers mid-day meal for the old aged citizens.

We render this service to as many as 60 old aged citizens per day. The beneficiaries of this program belong to the lowest rung of the society and are hardly able to get a meal a day.

Contact Us

E-mail: Louise Rivett

Physical Address

1 Danielle Street, Fairland, 2030
Google Maps

Tel: 011 268 4783 or 011 268 4784
Fax: 011 268 4800

E-mail: Louise Rivett

Social Media