011 268 4783/4 louiser@mosaiek.com

Physically impaired

Forest Farm and Forest Haven

Forest Farm and Forest Haven

Forest Farm is a residential care facility for people living with cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term used to describe a group of disorders causing impaired control of movements that usually appear in the first few years of life and generally do not worsen over time. Many people with cerebral palsy are also affected by other medical disorders, including seizures or mental impairment.

Residents with varying degrees of independence live in

cottages where they share bedrooms, and they are encouraged to take pride in their surroundings. Fun days, holiday programmes, religious outings, shopping and other activities, are organised for all residents.

Residents who enjoy the stimulation of manual work, attend the workshop on a daily basis. Contracts are obtained from private companies to provide services including:

  • Assembly and packaging
  • Paper-folding and envelope-insertions
  • Repair and hire of wheelchairs

The Haven provides 24-hour care for profoundly disabled residents who require assistance with all aspects of daily living. Residents are encouraged to participate in daily stimulation and therapeutic activities including art, music therapy, physiotherapy and craft work.

Forest Farm employs a number of highly skilled and professional staff.

Our main objective is to offer emotional support to staff members and residents, as well as financial assistance with the upkeep of wheelchairs, medical equipment and medical expenses.

embark forest

Contact us

Elsa de Witt

Physical Address

1 Danielle Street, Fairland, 2030
Google Maps

Tel: 011 268 4783 or 011 268 4784
Fax: 011 268 4800

E-mail: Louise Rivett

Social Media